Anna Khait
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Anna Khait
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December 05, 2023

The website is finally done 🙌🏼 The Lord showed me years ago how bad the enemy attacks our healthy on a daily basis: the air be breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. So, four years ago I started researching the healthiest home technologies around the world. And I decided to put it all in one place. I’m excited to finally share it! Your health is worth investing in. And they make great Christmas presents too ☺️

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There are 3 groups of people in this world…
January 07, 2022
Strong Delusion

Suppression of Truth Leads to Strong Delusion | Lance Wallnau

November 17, 2021
New Documentary

From the makers of the "The Trump I know", check out Episode One of the "Reawakening" Documentary. I had a fun time being a part of it.


The Constitution was specifically written to counteract what the Democrats are attempting to do.

February 07, 2024

This month, we're launching the Healthy Home series with an insightful session titled "What's in Our Water?"
Given the prevalence of pharmaceuticals, hormones, pesticides, heavy metals, fluoride, and volatile organic compounds in our water, it's crucial to understand how to safeguard our families. In this session, Anna will guide you through methods to test and purify your water.
This is a must-attend, complimentary class that you won't want to miss.

Feel free to invite any family & friends 🙏🏻
Date: February 7, 2024
Time: 7:00pm EST
Zoom link: (

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January 02, 2024

Time for some Christian dad jokes. 🤣

How did Moses make tea? Hebrews it.

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.

Why did the Christian break up with their calculator? It had too many problems. They decided to trust in a higher power.

Why don't angels ever get tired? They have eternal rest.

What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A roamin' Catholic.

How does God answer the phone? 'Can you hear me now? Good!’


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